The kashrut (accordance with Jewish law) of our mikveh
Eminent rabbis worked laboriously and for a long time on the kashrut of the mikveh, so that it accords with the most rigorous methods, while carrying out, at the same time, experiments with different materials, until they reached the most elegant and best type of construction.
The bottom of the mikveh is anchored to the ground with a unique patent (registered patent) which accords with all halakhic requirements.
After the bottom of the mikveh is anchored to the ground, the external walls of the mikveh are erected, each wall consisting of at least two panels as per the responsa of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein Yore Deah, Part 2 (siman 95).
After the construction of the external walls, the inner space is divided into an immersion area and otzarot, and in a Chabad mikveh a lower otzar is also built.
In every otzar, as well as in the immersion area, there is a hole in the mikveh that is filled with concrete and sealed with concrete that is at least the size of a shefoferet hanod (5 centimeter in dimension), so that there is no risk of a creating a vessel (see Shulhan Aruch, siman 201, section 7 and section 40).
Below is a list of approvals by eminent rabbis and poskim in charge of approving the construction of a mikveh.
It should be emphasized that, due to the halakhic complexity of the issue and the great importance of the order of construction of the mikveh, there is a need for an expert rabbi to oversee the entire construction of a mikveh and ensure that everything is done according to halakha.
This is because any change, even the smallest, can result in the invalidation of the mikveh.
Due to the great importance of ensuring close supervision of the construction of the mikveh, the rabbis stipulated that every mikveh should bear a serial number, and that the kashrut certification should show the name of the place where the mikveh was built, and the serial number of the mikveh.
Because the mikveh is produced on an assembly line, when the final design and the required compilations are determined by eminent rabbis shlita, there is no room for human error or improvisations, due to the close supervision that aims to ensure that the above requirements are met throughout the entire assembly line process.

Rabbi Kanievsky
With God’s help
The Mikveh Malchut is built from crude oil panels made with a unique production patent that enables the construction of a stable, massive mikveh that preserves the water and prevents leakage of the mikveh water. It also keeps the mikveh warm and enables swift construction.
The merits of the Mikveh Malchut
Zehila [the halachic term for leakage from a mikveh],
Leakage, even minimal leakage, invalidates a tevilat deoritta mikvah,.
In general, it is very difficult to detect leakage in a mikveh. Even when there is a leak it is very difficult to locate the source of the leak, and the problem may disable the mikveh for a long period. Sometimes, bubbles of water are seen coming out from the floor. This may arise from all kinds of reasons related to construction, insulation, or tiling.
In the Mikveh Malchut, due to the use of special material, there should be no water leakage. The source of the problem is also easily located and the repair is immediate. In addition, due to the use of oil plates, there is no need for tiling and many problems are thus avoided.
The Mikveh Malchut offers a three-year guarantee on repairs to the mikveh.
Ensuring the water remains warm
One of the most expensive costs of ongoing maintenance is heating the water, especially in cold countries.
The Mikveh Malchut is built from an insulating material. In this way, the water retains the heat and results in considerable saving in the cost of heating the water.
Construction of a regular mikveh takes many months as it involves digging the ground, casting the foundation, casting the periphery, casting the pits, insulation, tiling and more. There are also places where it is impossible to build a mikveh due to a variety of reasons: earth that cannot be dug, the site is small, etc.
In contrast, construction of a Mikveh Malchut is quick: there is no need to dig a pit as the mikveh is built on top of concrete casting. The time it takes to construct the mikveh is extremely fast. Building the mikveh on the customer’s site takes between one and four days [depending on the size of the mikveh, and its shape], and, furthermore, the cost of building the mikveh is extremely cheap.
Because crude oil panels are used in the Mikveh Malchut (as opposed to reinforced concrete), the overall dimensions of the mikveh are smaller, so it can be built even in small locations. And because of the smaller dimensions, there is considerable saving in expenses.
Iron concrete
In the rulings of poskim, we find the issue of “iron concrete,” meaning the addition of iron to the walls and floor of the mikveh. In most of the rulings, this is allowed. However there are poskim who are more stringent on this issue and, because of fears about this method, some mikvehs are built without iron, which makes construction difficult and costs more expensive.
In the Mikveh Malchut, there are no such fears. Our method accords with all rulings.
Cleaning and drying the mikveh
One of the problems faced by mikvehs is that of cleaning and drying. Thanks to the crude oil panels, the Mikveh Malchut can be cleaned and dried both quickly and efficiently. This is because the dirt does not stick to the mikveh and does not act as a breeding ground for bacteria and germs.