Approvals for women, utensils and men
The Mikveh Malchut has been halakhically approved by eminent rabbis and mikveh experts.
Some even noted, in our presence, that the Mikveh Malchut represents a true revolution in this important sector after hundreds of years with no innovation.
The rabbis even blessed this initiative with a blessing for success for the purification of Israel.
Approvals for a mikveh for women, utensils and men
(in the order the approvals were received):
- The Gaon Rabbi Meir Posen, Av Beit Din of the National Mikveh Religious Court, and author of the book “Or Meir” on mikvehs.
- The Gaon Rabbi Yisrael Rosenberg, Rosh Av Beit Din of the Beit Din of the Gaon Rabbi Nissim Karelitz.
- The Gaon Rabbi Ephraim Bograd, Dayan of the Regional Beit Din Haifa, Dayan of the Chabad Beit Din, and Rabbi of Chabad Ramot.
- The Gaon Zalman Nehemiah Goldberg zatsal Av Beit Din of the “Hayashar ve Hatov” Beit Din and former Dayan of the Beit Din Harabanei Hagadol.
- The Gaon Haim Meir Wosner Gaon Av Beit Din “Zichron Meir” and Rosh Yeshiva “Hachamei Lublin” son and follower of Maran Posek Hador, Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner zatsal.
- The Gaon Rabbi Mordechai Auerbach Rabbi of the Abir Yaakov community in Tel Aviv.
- The Gaon Rabbi Haim Moshe Schmerler zatsal Av Beit Din of the “Mahzik Hadat” community in Zurich, author of the book “Machshevet Haim.”
- The Gaon Yitzhak Yosef HaRishon leZion, Chief Rabbi of Israel and President of the Beit Din Harabbanei Hagadol, author of the series “Yalkut Yosef” and more.
- The Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Grossman, Rabbi and Av Beit Din of the city of Elad, author of the book “Shaarei Shlomo” and more.
- The Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Eliahu, Rabbi of the city of Tzfat.
- The Gaon Rabbi Meir Sirota, Moreh Tzedek of the Haredi community.
- The Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Leib Mintzberg shlita, mikveh expert and rabbi of the mikvehs in Jerusalem.
- The Gaon Rabbi Shamai Kehat Hacohen Gross, Dayan and Moreh Tzedek of the Belz Hassidic “Mahzik Hadat” community.
- The Gaon Rabbi Haim David Shubaks, Dayan and Moreh Tzedek of the Belz Hassidic “Mahzik Hadat” community.
- The Gaon Rabbi Aaron Zicherman, Dayan and Moreh Tzedek of the Belz Hassidic “Mahazik Hadat” community and mikveh expert.
- Sar haTorah, the Gaon Rabbi Haim Kanievsky – approval and blessing.
- The Gaon Rabbi Zamir Cohen, Rosh Yeshiva “Heichal Meir,” head of the “Hedabrut” organization, author of the book “Sheelot ve Tshuvot Nezer Cohen” and more
- The Gaon Rabbi Simha Ben-Zion Itzik Rabinovitz, Rabbi and Moreh Tzedek of the Mishkenot Yaakov community, Ramat Shlomo, Jerusalem. Author of the book “Poskei Tshuvot.”
- The Gaon Rabbi Yitzhak Zilberstein, Rabbi of the Ramat Elhanan neighborhood, Bnei Brak. Head of the “Beit David” Kollel, Holon, and member of the Gedolei HaTorah Council.
- The Gaon Rabbi Moshe Brandsdorfer – Gaon Av Beit Din and Teacher Rabbi of Heichal Hora’ah, Jerusalem.
- The Gaon Rabbi Haim Yitzhak Itzik Landau, Rabbi of the city of Bnei Brak and head of the “HaRav Landau Kashrut Certification” organization.
- The Gaon Rabbi Elyakim Levanon shlita, Chief Rabbi of Samaria and Rosh Yeshiva and Rabbi of Elon Moreh.
- The Gaon Rabbi Menahem Mendel Hacohen Shafran shlita, Av Beit Din of the Beit Din for Appointees HaYashar ve HaTov [1], Posek and Head of the general Hassidic “Noam HaTorah” Yeshiva in Bnei Brak. Also serves as Dayan of the Beit Din of Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak Belinov.
- The Gaon Rabbi Eliahuy Landau, Head of the central “Tomchei Tmimim” Chabad Yeshiva and one of the heads of the “HaRav Landau Kashrut Certification” organization.
The Mikveh Malchut is under the supervision of the Mikveh Committee of Heichal Hora’ah Jerusalem, founded by the rabbi and luminary of Israel the Gaon Hakadosh Rabbenu Meir Brandsdorfer of righteous and holy memory for blessing the life of the world, author of “Knei Bosem.”
Committee Rabbis: elder posek on mikvehs, the Gaon Rabbi Meir Posen shlita, committee chairman, author of the book “Or Meir.”
Our teacher the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Brandsdorfer shlita – the Gaon Av Beit Din Heichal Hora’ah.
The Gaon Rabbi Aaron Zicherman – Rabbi, Dayan and Moreh Tzedek the holy city of Jerusalem.
The Gaon Rabbi Shimon Ozer Brandsdorfer – Rabbi, Dayan and Moreh Tzedek Heichal Hora’ah.
Rabbi and Mikveh supervisor on behalf of the committee – Beit Din rabbi